There are different types of Metaverses 

A shared online environment that integrates real-world, augmented, and virtual reality,
the metaverse is set to launch a new age of digital connectivity. Allow 3DT to
take you and your business into the next evolutionary step of the internet and
human interaction. Our immersive worlds are tailor-made to suit customer needs,
providing an engaging experience where users can work, learn, shop and play.
Take a tour of the unique metaverses currently on offer through 3DT:

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Metaverse Options

Learning Metaverse

Learning Metaverses make an ideal environment for training and development. Users are able to access libraries, classrooms as well as course material particular to them. This virtual environment, along with interactive content, keeps learners engaged while providing a space in which they can work at a comfortable pace. Increased interest and focus ensure more active learning participants and an overall fun and positive learning experience. 

HR/Corporate Metaverse

Changing technologies calls on us to change how we look at and do business. The advancement of digital tech and AI has opened up an array of possibilities for businesses to streamline and integrate their existing processes. Our products include creating 3D offices, through which Talent Acquisition, Onboarding, Meetings, and Training can take place. 

Customer Service Metaverse

Maintaining a positive brand is key to any company’s success. What about a metaverse that allows you to engage directly with the people that impact your business the most? Your customers! Through our Customer Service Metaverse, clients can check and purchase products, as well as directly engage with staff and raise queries as if they were in an actual office/store. 

Music Metaverse

As the metaverse takes off, we are seeing more and more global artists and brands getting on board. Our music metaverse is a must for all music lovers. From personalised music lounges – where you can load your music preferences, to massive outdoor concerts and cafes,  you can dance and socialise with friends without ever leaving your living room! 

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