Online meetings are not the same as Virtual Meetings

Can you recall each and every online meeting you had this week?  Probably not because they felt all the same. 

Make your meeting memorable and different by adding a 3D element to it.  Almost like your personal 3D office. The main objectives of the 3D Meeting Room is to make your meeting experience stand out, to boost your meeting engagement and to enhance your personal and business brand.


The 3D Meeting Room is not aimed at replacing your current Video Meeting Software, but to complement and enhance it. Our standard template offer 1 scenes (room) with up functionalities as per scope below.  Additional scenes and content can be added upon request.

  • Your personal profile – Image & Text
  • Company logo
  • Link to personal social media
  • Links to business social media
  • Link to company website
  • Corporate video
  • Summary of products/service (Text & Links)
  • Download company brochure
  • Link to video software (e.g. Zoom, MS Team, StarLeaf, BlueJeans, etc)

Ready to use templates and custom-made meeting rooms

3 Degrees Tech is continuously adding to our library of 3D Meeting templates.  By making use of any template in this library, you can build your own 3D Meeting Room with a quick turnaround time and vastly reduced costs.

Additionally, we work together with our clients to build custom-made 3D Meeting Rooms based on the design they require.